Thursday, August 12, 2010


Here is the promised Lady Gaga music vid! I assure you that I'm not a professional dancer, nor a profresh lip-syncher either hehehe (; It was so much fun to make, but I'm sorry that the outfits are not as grand or shiny or outrageous as Gaga's! After the fourth or fifth outfit change, I gave up! I don't know how celebrities do it.

There IS a heartfelt vlog to my wonderful readers at the end, so if you'd like to save me from humiliation, just fastforward. If you'd like to watch my obscene dance moves, just let the video play.

Moving on.
Did you notice my punctuation and grammar?! Something's wrong with me, I swear. I have this itch to write something, but have lost all faith in myself in regards to literature. And do you know the last book I checked out from the library? (Do you even want to know?) (Probably not -- it's horrible, that's all.)

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side.

What is wrong with me?!
I have been taken hostage by ... by teen vampire romance! I told myself to never fall into that hole but here it is. I finished that book in one sitting, throughout the afternoon, and at the end, I actually thought to myself: "Wow that was good".


Another thing I'm freaking about here:
No. Way.

(I have an actual reason to be freaked out by this, yes?)
(I know freaking out about reading a teen vampire romance novel is... is... TERRIBLE. JUST TERRIBLE. The whole genre, that is.)

Oh. Whatever.
It's just a book.
And the Joseph x Lucy thing is just a rumour.
But still.

Hey... All these capitals and correctly spelled words look so nice on this page. (: Cool.

Alright. I think that will be all.
Here's a vlog.

I will be a better blogger, promise.

Oh, and one last

PS. Stay tuned for a vlog about something personal that, I'm sad to say, affects me and about 99% of the teen demographic EVERY DAY. Yeah. I'm being all dramatic. Deal.

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