Saturday, August 28, 2010


Hey guys, I just decided to open up shop to sell some of my unworn clothing! Most of the stuff I bought when I was in that transitional stage between "emo grade 9er" to "simple grade 10er", all before I started this blog, so the style is really different! Some of the clothes are brand new, some are FREE, and all of it is under $15! Don't hesitate to msg me for more info! I do facetrades and shipping. Also, if you want to swap your item for mine, that's cool with me! (Remember to add me as a friend on Facebook to be able to reserve the item :D)


Here are some photos:


Alright, I need to log off and do some hardcore editing on my Extended Essay D; Kill me now please.
Oh, not to mention, I've got 4 units of Bio to review and like a gazillion units of Chem to study.
 I'll reply to all your lovely comments soon -- and thank you to all my followers, new AND old! <3

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